Friday, February 20, 2015

Weekend Reading, Feb 20 15

This week, I compiled a short Lenten list for Weekend Reading - sites I visit and that always leave me feeling nourished or convicted or thoughtful.

Ann Voskamp writes a compelling Call for the Next 40 Days: To the Nations and People of the Cross. Ann calls us to examine our place in this broken world, and to examine the Cross' place in this broken world. A must-read.

Catholic Relief Services has an app! They also have a great selection of videos that explain what Lent really is.  One year - many years ago - my mom encouraged us to do extra chores during Lent, and the money we earned would be placed in our CRS Rice Bowl. We were so excited to see how the money added up - and its a wonderful way for children to learn to ACT for the Body of Christ (as opposed to resenting giving up candy)!

Father Robert Barron shares daily inspiration with his Word on Fire program - sign up for free daily Lent emails in English or Spanish. Father Barron calls us to return to the basics, and fires me up with his emails.

And this is where you can Pope Francis' message to the faithful for Lent 2015 - an inspiring message of Holy Love overcoming Worldly Indifference. Many media outlets intentionally misrepresent the Pope - weaving their own narrative into their translations of his words - so I prefer to go to the source, which is often far more inspiring!

I hope you are as inspired as I was from these stories. Have a prayerful and fruitful weekend!

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