Monday, January 21, 2013

Inauguration Day - President Obama's Second Term

Today is President Barack Obama's 2nd Inaugural...another in a long line of peaceful transitions of power that make your country quite unique. And while I may not agree with Mr. Obama on many topics, I pray for his Presidency...I pray that he will be blessed with wisdom as he charts a course over the next four years for this nation...I pray that our nation is healed from the divisive nastiness that has dominated public discourse more and more over the past decade...I pray for the end of forever wars abroad...I pray for ALL of our elected officials, from the President to the lowliest freshman Representative, to uphold their Oaths of Office, thereby upholding the Constitution...I pray for each of us, the Citizens of the United States of America, to raise their voices in prayer - and in protest when needed - and to uphold the principles of our nation.

God bless America!

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